Table of Contents

Managing machines

To access to the machines list you can select machines on the top menu
 Top menu for machines

Create a new machine

The menu to create a new machine is the last line on the left menu of the machines :digiclear:createmachine.png

Edit settings of a machine

When creating a new machine you will be ask to edit the settings of the machine. If you want to edit an existing machine you can select it and if you are manager or administrator you can access to the tab of the machine

  1. The name of the machine is totally free. The real designation in the database is a machineId parameter in the machine table.
  2. Description of the machine. It's a free text with images and documents if needed. It's HTML editor.
  3. The number of samples that a user can use in one operation on the machine. Put at least 1, if you want to allow users to store data about their samples.
  4. the IP adress of the computer which control the machine. it is needed if the machine is connected to the intranet.
  5. The selection enabling request and how to manage the requests.
  6. if you want to add an automatic parser to fill automatically the process files. The machine need to be able to connect to DigiCleaR
  7. Do not forget to click on ''create Machine''

Note : Once you have enabled the requests on a machine then the machine is public.


Definition : A request is the same as asking someone to do an operation on someone else samples. In DigiCleaR, once you click on the menu you can select request instead of operation just under the title Create a new process entry. After submission the process sheet will appear in the menu (in blue) Pending Requests (? ). You can read the help about operation to use them.

Managing Requests : Once you have decided to enable requests on your machine you can choose if only the managers will be allowed to answer the request (Requests enabled, only managers can fulfill them) or if all the users of the machine can answer to the requests (Requests enabled, managers and users can fulfill them)

Requests whatfor ? : The requests are useful if you want to do some operations for another one without asking the user's rights on a project and/or a sample. With the requests you can add an operation using a project and/or a sample with no rights on them. In that case, after fulfilled the request you won't be able to change the project and/or the sample, but you can add another sample to the same operation. You can, of course, fulfill several requests in the same operation.

Requests and Templates : If many templates are available for your machine (it depends on admin choices and what you have enabled) you can choose which template(s) will be enabled for request. For example if you have a maintenance template and a process template then it is possible to enable requests for process and not for maintenance.

Managing Users

First you chould have configured the settings of the new machine, or an existing one, and saved the configuration. Then you come back to the settings tab and edit the users list that can access the machine and adjust the rights for each one.

By default, the right for a user is User. A user can be User or Manager of a machine.


User :

Edit the templates

Once you have selected the machine that you want to manage, then you click on to select the page to edit the templates of the current machine. The next image is the view you should have once the (menu templates) is selected.


Templates Options and Type

Operation Type

digiclear:templateoperationtype.png The Administrator can create different kinds of template. When configuring your machine, you will have to configure each kind of templates you want to activate for the users and the managers. You can choose which template you want to work on by selecting in a list.



There are 4 (four) options to configure the templates. All options are defined for each templates. So first you have to choose the template you want to configure (Operation Type.
The definition of the options are:

Template Maker

The template maker is the way to configure in details the form that will be used to enter a new operation and/or a request. There are three parts in the template maker: the Library , the Operation/run/batch and the Samples parameters (if the template uses samples). digiclear:templatemaker.png
The library (on the right) contains all the elements that can be used in the template. On the left is the form you will build to configure the template. Depending on the configuration from the administrator of DigiCleaR, there are already some elements in the template. Most of these elements are system mandatory options for the database to be consistent. You should see, at least, for Operation/run/batch:

And for the Samples Parameters:

DO NOT FORGET to record your templates with the button  Submit to Database

Drag'n'drop Elements

Under the mandatory elements you can see a zone where you can drop elements. You will choose elements in the library and drag'n'drop them from the library to this zone. To remove an element from the template you can drag'n'drop it from the template to the library. Note that you will lose the configuration of this element.

Configuration of the elements

digiclear:templateelementoptions.png Once you have put a new element in the template, you have to configure it. You click on the new element and the configuration options will appear. The options are specific for each elements but the first parameters are general for almost all elements:

Elements in Library

The elements of the Library can be put either for the Run and/or for the Samples. It is totally free because it's impossible to imagine all cases. Nevertheless, all elements must have a key name in the database different for the same template.
Example: you can have two duration element. One for the global run and one per sample but the key name will be different for the two durations. aka runDuration and sampleDuration.


About Conditional Block

You can write a condition that will determine whether the enclosed elements will appear or not depending on the value of other parameters (variables, the name of the element in the database)
The condition must be written using the database value of your parameters. Blocks placed in the sample part of the form will have access to their respective sample parameters. you can use any basic operators like +, -, *, /, %(modulo) and **(exponentiation). comparisons are written with ==(equal), !=(different), >, <, >= and . logical comparisons are written with && (and), || (or) and ! (not). any other operator working in JavaScript will work here too.

Here are a few examples :



If there is any mistake in the template you want to create, you will see the border of one or several elements becoming red. When clicking on the button , the button will become red also.
To solve the error, you click on the element of your template in red. Then you can find some explanations of the error under the field in error in the element where is the field. Your put the corrected values or expressions and then you can save the template.

Parsing data on local Machine

Parsing Data on Local Machine