-Find out if using a PHP and/or CSS framework could be useful -JS framework? (either a full one or just libraries like dragula) -Create the main template, folder/file structure -setup the CAS -setup a local authentication (simple one or with a library) no --setup the DB --write/import the DB utility class --create the stuff handling the authentication for ajax files --Create proper data classes instead of using stdClass spawns everywhere. -logs? -Write some documentation here -Write some more documentation
-Add in filtering -Create a new config file system using json (or similar) -Create the default templates for machines -The template used when viewing projects -And the template used when viewing samples --Create the operation tables in the DB --Replace all bureaucracy dependencies with the new config system -Rewrite the CSS with SASS and change some of the classes --make sure the CAS is used by ajax -better additional content handling (w/ imported files from the cloud, graphs) -html / pdf export functionnality -including additional content like images and graphs. -prefilling (?) useless with the new template system -Add in download of the whole history in json (without the 100 ops hard limit) -Add in download of separate operations
-Define the html structure of the menu and start writing the sass
-Write the php generating the menu
-write the php feeding the menu with data automatically extracted from the DB
-complete the menu with classes for active/locked links and stuff
-finish the sass accordingly
-status icons?
-find out what to use (framework or libraries)
-create the import/export from the DB to
-create the frontend js
-partially editable parameters and corresponding disabled fields within the parameter builders.
-create the masterTemplate : universal top level template containing hard coded parameters (date, totalTime, sample, projects, etc)
-download / upload json templates
-load templates from other machines
-download / upload operations.
-requests system
-smaller parameters
-scrollable form in the form builder
-radio list parameter
-user(s) parameter
-preview button for the form in a modal
-preview button for the operation history in a modal
-presentation builders : inline parameters/decors and conditional display
-ctrl + drag to duplicate elements
- Conditional select or input
-create the front end
-and the back end with ajax
-Add in a difference between imported rights and user created rights.
-Add in groups
-Add in REAL groups
-create the machine template
-implement the operation display history with the right templates
-create the manager panel
-client side file parsing
-create support for easy addition of additional content
- informations boxes configurable by managers.
-viewing a remote control of the machine to avoid staying in front of the machine during hours. will be difficult <alert type=“warning” icon=“fas -fa-info”>Outside of the scope in my opinion, and should be supported with the 'additionnal content' feature above anyway</alert>
-implement the rights distributor
-implement the operation history display
-create the inheritance mechanism, and decide what kind of features it should have (select parent/child, soft/hard fusion, etc)
-flowchart support
-inheritance display, a tree view of the sample. GitGraph.js
-Make a script that automatically query and parse RenaTech's db
-Finish the DB
-Do The Great Import
-Setup stuff in between DigiCleaR and DigiTools to keep them synchronized
- Changing the database to PostGreSQL
- make sure that when deleting a user the data remains accessible
- the leader project should have access to all the data of the project
- calendar and booking, what is the amount of work / what libraries are available
On the request: the goal is to allow user to make a request to a operator by sending the process file. the operator is then validating the request …