
Digiclear Changelog

This is the digiclear changelog, starting from version 4.602 and above

  • Machines names and ids are now hidden from unauthorized users from an api standpoint. They where previously considered “public” (name and description accessible). Now they behave like samples and projects, which means only authorized users (and users with special relations such as SP managers whose SP has been used on the machine) can access them.
    • Machine managers can see samples and projects used on their machine.
    • Machine users can see samples and projects referenced in requests on the machine (only if the requests can be fulfilled by users)
    • Sample managers can see machines and projects used with their sample.
    • Project managers can see machines and samples used with their project.
  • Rewrote the side menu to work with the new group system and provide additional features such as modifying groups or sorting and filtering groups and elements.
  • Added a new “Groups” tab to allow users to manage all their groups from the same page.
  • Various bug fixes
  • Added configurable LDAP attributes to the CAS Authentication module and made the full_name and mail attributes optional (the login will be used if the full name is unavailable).
  • Added operation_date field and renamed date to record_date and database operations are automatically converted :
    • RealDate and Realdate dates are copied into the new operation_date field. If both dates coexist or if there are several samples in the operation, the oldest date is kept.
    • If no realdate fields are found then the record_date is copied into operation_date instead.
  • date parameters now have a “set date to today” button (to quickly reuse operations using the prefill option). This button toggleable and on by default so all existing templates will use it.
  • added Font Awesome picker to the admin menus.
  • tiff images will be downloaded instead of being (incorrectly) displayed. this will be rolled back in the event that firefox adds in tiff image support.
  • relocated hmtlpurifier cache (out of /vendors/).
  • Extended search menu :
    • Search bar now search on the operation content as well as the msp name. it will add to the results msps who have an operation with a value matching the search term.
    • The selected msps are sorted by relevance (if a search term is entered) and last used date. There's a box displaying the last time the msp was used.
    • hovering above an msp now displays its description.
  • the server side apis now have an XSS filter applied (became necessary since the msp descriptions are now loaded outside of their pages).
  • fixed Renatech json import issue where a project manager would be retrograded to user if he was declared as user in renatech.
  • added an option in the config.ini to put a link the the nextcloud in the tabs.
  • updated php libraries and bootstrap. Added XSS filtering and basic PSR-3 logger libraries.

Note: running composer is necessary for this update.

  • The operation history module now dynamically loads machine templates, allowing custom parameters to be displayed correctly in the sample and project history.
  • Added a search bar above the operation history allowing one to search through the operations by typing the beginning of a word. The search is done on the operation's data (value and keyNames) as well as the machines/samples/projects/users names.
  • Sample and project history tabs will now contain a second history table displaying the pending requests (if any).
  • machines/samples/projects names in the operation history are now clickable.
  • In the form confidential parameters now display an eye next to their label (there was no way of knowing whether a parameter was confidential or not without looking at the history).

Note: sample and project histories will inherit templates in that order : Sample/Project history > Operation types > (relevant) machines templates. This means that any parameters set in the machine system template (under the advanced tab) will not be displayed in the sample and project history unless they're copied in the Sample/Project history templates.

ex: In both the sample and project history templates place a new display display key “operationComment” under “HTML comment” as a type wysiwyg in order to correctly display the operationComment parameter that was set in the Machine System Template.

  • digiclear/changelog.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/01/19 13:45
  • by leandre