
-Find out if using a PHP and/or CSS framework could be useful -JS framework? (either a full one or just libraries like dragula) -Create the main template, folder/file structure -setup the CAS -setup a local authentication (simple one or with a library) no --setup the DB --write/import the DB utility class --create the stuff handling the authentication for ajax files --Create proper data classes instead of using stdClass spawns everywhere. -logs? -Write some documentation here -Write some more documentation

-Add in filtering -Create a new config file system using json (or similar) -Create the default templates for machines -The template used when viewing projects -And the template used when viewing samples --Create the operation tables in the DB --Replace all bureaucracy dependencies with the new config system -Rewrite the CSS with SASS and change some of the classes --make sure the CAS is used by ajax -better additional content handling (w/ imported files from the cloud, graphs) -html / pdf export functionnality -including additional content like images and graphs. -prefilling (?) useless with the new template system -Add in download of the whole history in json (without the 100 ops hard limit) -Add in download of separate operations

-Define the html structure of the menu and start writing the sass

-Write the php generating the menu

-write the php feeding the menu with data automatically extracted from the DB

-complete the menu with classes for active/locked links and stuff

-finish the sass accordingly

-status icons?

-find out what to use (framework or libraries)

-create the import/export from the DB to

-create the frontend js

-partially editable parameters and corresponding disabled fields within the parameter builders.

-create the masterTemplate : universal top level template containing hard coded parameters (date, totalTime, sample, projects, etc)

-download / upload json templates

-load templates from other machines

-download / upload operations.

-requests system

  1. requests to one person only (soft or hard?)

-smaller parameters

  1. inline labels

-scrollable form in the form builder

-radio list parameter

-user(s) parameter

-preview button for the form in a modal

-preview button for the operation history in a modal

  1. the operation history will need a “demo” mode, which will fill it with random/dummy data if no data is available

-presentation builders : inline parameters/decors and conditional display

  1. find out how we can dynamically add and remove draggable zones to dragula's system
  2. modify the retrieval function in order to allow presentation builders to send their childs instead of them.
  3. setup the DB accordingly
  4. properly use the feature on the formLoader, of course

-ctrl + drag to duplicate elements

- Conditional select or input

  1. the first select is chosen
  2. a second select apears and the value are displayed depending on the first choice.
  3. the results are two different parameters.

-create the front end

-and the back end with ajax

-Add in a difference between imported rights and user created rights.

-Add in groups

  1. false groups for now (collection of users that gets pasted when selecting the group)
  2. group tab and group creation/update component
  3. groups with digitool_pks that gets filled automatically from digitool<alert type=“info” icon=“fas fa-info”>Might as well directly implement real groups</alert>

-Add in REAL groups

  1. get rid of the MSP _access tables
  2. create bound groups to MSPs (or more likely bind MSPs to groups)
  3. shift all rights related functions to the groups table
  4. handle the creation/deactivation of bound groups along their respective MSPs

-create the machine template

-implement the operation display history with the right templates

-create the manager panel

  1. create the basic form for the machine's data
  2. implement the rights distributor
  3. implement the form builder

-client side file parsing

-create support for easy addition of additional content

- informations boxes configurable by managers.

-viewing a remote control of the machine to avoid staying in front of the machine during hours. will be difficult <alert type=“warning” icon=“fas -fa-info”>Outside of the scope in my opinion, and should be supported with the 'additionnal content' feature above anyway</alert>

-implement the rights distributor

  1. with proper sample inheritance handling

-implement the operation history display

-create the inheritance mechanism, and decide what kind of features it should have (select parent/child, soft/hard fusion, etc)

-flowchart support

  1. add a new type of operation : the flowchart operation (=not a request nor a real operation)
  2. decide whether a flowchart should be bound to a real sample or should have its own independent category
  3. make flowcharts chain-able (=when declaring a new flowchart operation you specify the previous one, thus creating the “flow” of the flowchart)
  4. start a flowchart : each step of the flowchart turn into a request when the previous step is fulfilled and validated. The user need to manually validate each fulfilled request in order to let the flowchart progress (that's because irl the user has to physically move the sample from one machine to another, else you could have an active request on a machine without the corresponding sample awaiting next to it).
  5. share flowcharts : make the downloadable and uploadable, implementation will highly depends of step 2

-inheritance display, a tree view of the sample. GitGraph.js

-Make a script that automatically query and parse RenaTech's db

-Finish the DB

-Do The Great Import

-Setup stuff in between DigiCleaR and DigiTools to keep them synchronized

- Changing the database to PostGreSQL

- make sure that when deleting a user the data remains accessible

- the leader project should have access to all the data of the project

- calendar and booking, what is the amount of work / what libraries are available


  1. upload images/files to ClearCloud and copy link to the database of DigiCleaR
  2. local administration of users for general use of the application
  3. Group management
  4. using authentication with MS-SQL (specific for PTA-Grenoble)

On the request: the goal is to allow user to make a request to a operator by sending the process file. the operator is then validating the request …

  1. importer un run d'un échantillon de référence = ajouter un champ “master” qui constitue une liste d'échantillons exemplaires
  2. setup a local authentication (simple one or with a library)
  3. corect some bugs in templates
  4. write the use of the template
  5. upload files for manual machines

  1. Using a framework
  2. integrating a general parser that the machine manager can configure (very challenging)
  • digiclear/todo.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/06/11 18:15
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